
The Leaderu00a0DescriptionnThe Leader


The Apprenticeu00a0DescriptionnMOR The Apprentice


Sample Group OutlinenSample Group Outline


Group Contact Information SheetnMOR Group Contact Information


Group AgreementnMOR Group Agreement


Chapter Discussion QuestionsnMOR Chapter Discussion Questions


Chapter Courageous ChallengesnMOR Courageous Challenges


Chapter Memory VersesnMOR Chapter Memory Verses


Life CirclesnMOR Life Circles


Sample Ceremony OutlinenMOR Ceremony Outline


Sign-up CardsnMOR Sign-up Cards


Member Survey CardsnMOR Member Survey Cards


SMCC Referral ListnSMCC Referrals List


MOR Email PolicynMOR Sign-up Cards


Weekly Email TemplatenMOR Member Survey Cards


MOR Graduate’s Ceremony ChecklistnMOR Sign-up Cards


MOR Graduate’s QualificationsnMOR Sign-up Cards


Confidentiality AgreementnMOR Sign-up Cards


MOR Cash Gift ReceiptnMOR Cash Gift Receipt


MOR Charitable Donation ReceiptnMOR Charitable Donation Receipt
