Impact Tomorrow Live Today To Men of Resolution LEARN MORE Potential Don't waste even one ounce of WHEN SERVING GOD LEARN MORE

Live Resolutely

Live With Intention
When men live according to their values, they live a more fulfilled life. If your values include self-mastery, improving relationships, and adding value to the community around you, this group was built designed for you. We believe that much of the woes in this world can be reversed when men join together in unison with unified spirit to uplift one another, hold each other accountable to our goals, and continuously practice self-mastery.
Men who set a course toward long-term success – the kind that breaks the chains of the past, earns the loving trust and hearts of their families and provides a legacy beyond what their fathers could leave for them. These are men who don’t want to waste the remainder of their lives on this beautiful earth, who’ve resolved to live their lives with a “No Regrets” plan of action.

A Call To Action

Find wisdom in meeting, sharing and listening. Then take action.

Denny Kiefer

Denny Kiefer

Denny resides in San Diego and has a passion for Men’s Ministry.

Denny believes every man should seek to have an inner circle of at least three men. First, a Paul, an older experienced man who is willing to build into your life. Second, a Barnabas, a bosom brother, someone who loves you but is not taken in by your charm and to whom you can be accountable. Third, a Timothy, a younger man whose life you can be investing in. He is personally blessed by a godly mentor, a designated accountability partner and a younger man he invests in weekly.

Chris Coulapides

“Live today so that you can impact tomorrow”

You’ve Been Created With Gifts And Passions To Use

Help Another Brother

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

Acts 2: 42-47

Our Current Ministry Goal

Operations Maintenance

Our monthly operating cost is roughly $500. When you give to MOR, our ministry will reach even more men, to positively impact them and their families for generations.

0% Donation Goal

Let Us Do Good Wherever We Go

When men come together, united in Christ, they become the most powerful force in the world for good.

Chris Coulapides

Prayer Leader